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About Us

ELTPedia is a project created and directed by Professor Raul García of the ELT program at Universidad Industrial de Santander. It is the product of the collaboration of students in the 'Educación y Sociedad en la Era Digital' class. All content here has been curated and/or created by the students with the professor's supervision. Our goal is to provide the ELT community at UIS and everyone interested in ELT with space for interaction and collaboration. Here, all members of our community will find:​

  • Teaching and learning materials

  • Information about our program

  • Important announcements

  • Updates of upcoming academic events in Colombia and abroad

  • News about students and teachers' participation in conferences and academic events

  • Experiences of students who have studied and worked abroad

  • discussions about relevant topics in the ELT field

  • Information about graduate and exchange programs







To give pre-service teachers of English at UIS a platform where they can share their own ideas and materials for English teaching, including didactic materials and information about professional development and research, with real online audiences. 


To become a English teaching and learning community where learners and teachers and learners of English can interact and find information for their linguistic and professional development. 

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