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E-book: Sand, Sun and wind people 

About the e-book

Wayúu: sand, sun and wind people is a didactic eBook which main purpose is to spread knowledge in regards to one of the largest indigenous groups in Colombia, the Wayúu. Besides, it aims to provide English teachers with a contrasting language tool for their practices. 


This ELTPedia project arose as part of the job made by V. Serrano, J. Alarcón and G. Sáenz as members of the resources team. In the eBook readers will find different chapters all filled with amazing data and absorbing facts about the community. Also, readers will be able to put their understanding on trial through the various activities proposed inside the book. 

Access to the book

We suggest you download adequate software to visualize the material properly. Indistinctly, users of Windows OS and Mac OS can download Kotobee Reader (click image to download it). Once inside the software, you can search for the material by searching it by its name: Wayúu: sand, sun and wind people.

Organization of the book

The e-book is divided into 3 different chapters: 


The first one presents general information about the Wayúu indigenous group as well as information about their territory and their sociopolitical organization. 


The second one covers topics such as language, economy, sports and culture giving us insight about these aspects of life in the community.


Finally, the third chapter deals with traditional dances and a final section with a discussion of the main problems of the Wayúu community. 

Resources of the book:
Animated video

This video contains the story, experiences, and knowledge of professor Yasir Bustos, who is the pioneer of the first wayúu language audiobook in Colombia.

Do you want to know more about it? So, let's take a look.


This video contains information about the name, meaning, and history of Wayúu facial painting. Do you want to know more about it? So, let's take a look.

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