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ELT Cuisine

 This project is about a series of videos that will work as English input focused on Colombian cuisine in which students are expected not only to do listening and writing activities but also to develop basic cuisine skills that can be put into practice in their every-day life.


One of the most outstanding Colombian dishes are the buñuelos. They are traditionally eaten at Christmas and are typical of the Andean Region. 

In the video you will find the step-by-step of this recipe and a lesson activity to assess the listening comprehension. 

Buñuelos recipe poster part I (1).png
Buñuelos recipe poster part II (1).png

Coconut Rice

  Coconut rice is a traditional dish from the Colombian coast and it is usually eaten with fried fish, fried plantain, and fresh salad. If you want to learn how to make coconut rice and at the same time practice your listening comprehension skills,  check out the source we include in this section.

Coconut rice recipe poster part I.png
Coconut rice recipe poster part II .png

Mute Soup

Mute recipe poster.png


Empanadas are a typical Colombian snack and are widely known for their varied amount of fillings and preparation methods. If you want to dare and immerse yourself in the diverse world of empanadas, you can start with an easy and delicious way to make them through the video we have for you. Additionally, at the same time, you can put your listening comprehension skills into practice with the lesson activities that you will find at the end of this section. Remember, we are newbies, just like you!

Poster empanadas prt 1.png
Poster empanadas prt 2 (1).png
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