“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it”
George Santayana
The Forgotten Voices is a project that provides space for victims of the Colombian armed conflict to tell their stories in English. It is an invitation for teachers to raise students’ awareness of Colombia’s historical memory by learning about the life trajectories of two Colombian victims. Through this project, some of those who have been victimized by this war are given a voice that allows them to reach many more. This project is a collaboration with Archivo de Memoria Oral de las Víctimas (AMOVI-UIS).
Interview with professor Ivonne
This is an interview with professor Ivonne Suarez from AMOVI-UIS, which is an organization that works with Colombian armed conflict victims. Here, she tells us more about this organization: what it does, their purpose, the population they work with and so on and so forth… so, if you are interested in knowing more about the organization we partnered with, you should definitely watch the video!
Life trajectories
These are the lives of two women who unfortunately have experienced at first hand the never-ending Colombian armed conflict. A conflict that has destroyed so many lives and whose victims have been silent for so long. Now, it is time that we listen to them and that their voices are heard.
Life trajectory 1: From a Country Girl to a Leader of Victims
Life trajectory 2: Between pain and hope: The Bittersweet Taste of Searching and Waiting.
Lesson plans
In these lesson plans, different activities will be carried out to raise awareness about the Colombian armed conflict emphasizing on the importance of listening to others.
Lesson plan 1: Cherishing our past
Lesson plan 2: Let’s remember
Worksheet 1: Cherishing our past
Worksheet 2: Let’s remember
Extra material
These life trajectory was collected by Archivo de Memoria Oral de las Víctimas (AMOVI-UIS), translated by Silvia Álvarez, Henry Román, Leonardo Amado and Alexander Marciales, revised by Heidy Gutiérrez and Nathaly Bernal and narrated by Leonardo Amado and Valentina Torres. This project was directed by Raúl García.
The sound effects used in the audios of the life trajectories were taken from Freesound.org and the vector logo template was created by freepik - www.freepik.es