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As English teachers, we always want our students to be creative and test their imagination. That is why it is important for them to have something from which they can get their inspiration. ELT Tutorials is a set of  video tutorials for teachers to use as a model for their classes assignments. Each video will serve as a guide so students can create similar projects.

1. How to make a recipe

How to make a recipe is  a modeling video to show students how to structure a similar project for classroom purposes. This video will present a detailed description of how to make a cheesecake dessert.

2. How to make a fun craft

How to make a fun craft is  a modeling video to show students how to structure a similar project for classroom purposes. This video will present a detailed step by step description of how to make a bouncing ball.

3. How to show your talent

How to show your talent  is  a modeling video to show students how to structure a similar project for classroom purposes. This video will present someone showing an activity he/she is good at.

4. How to edit a video

This is a tutorial made to show students how to edit their own video for classroom purposes. Some important steps are presented using an easy and useful editing program.

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