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Santander Culture

The following albums were created with the purpose of promoting Santander culture. To achieve our goal, three informative magazines were designed with short descriptions and photographs of different aspects of our department. These magazines were classified into categories such as "Touristic Places", "Gastronomy and Drinks", "Fruits and Folklore", which will allow those who consult to know a little about this beautiful town of Colombia. At the same time, for a better understanding of the information described to the users, technological tools such as "augmented reality" and "virtual games" were incorporated into the albums.

Why Augmented Reality? and how to use it

Through Augmented reality books, and other teaching materials, learners are immersed in a virtual world which allows them to be curious and discover the possibilities that the new world brings. Thanks to this technology tool we can have our students more motivated, classes more interactive, and foster faster learning. To learn how to have access to the virtual world of our project follow the following steps:

1st Step

If you have an android OS device go to the Google Play Store.


If you have an iOS device go to the App Store

2nd Step

Type Zappar.

Download the app.

Once the download is complete look for the Zappar icon in your device.

3rd Step

Open the App

Foto pantalla zappar.png
4th Step

Scan the code. You will need to put your mobile close to the code.

5th Step

Scan the picture nearby. You will need to make sure the image occupies all the screen of your mobile.


Touristic Places




Drinks, fruit and folklore


Follow the link Kahoot and then decide which mode you want to play (classic or team mode). Then, write the code that the app gives. Wait until all the members have entered and start the questionnaire. There are just 10 questions, each question will have 4 possible answers but only one is the correct. At the end, the game will tell the places of the participants, who is in first, second and third place.

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